This series is based on military jargon, a form of language regarded as special words or expressions that are difficult for others to understand, such as “CHECK YOUR SIX”–an Air Force term for “watch out behind you” based on looking for enemy aircraft or missiles to the rear at the 6 o’clock position. “Check your six” is also used in bars or other crowded areas to discretely tell a friend to check out someone behind them. The contrast of the identifiable military font and pop neon colors maintains a sense of whimsy while offering thought provoking considerations about the context between the phrase and chosen color. These expressions are considered to be slang and are like a second language to military personnel. Society has largely adopted many of these phrases into their everyday speech, regardless of their original intent or meaning. The pieces in this series take this idea a step further by visually presenting the phrases in their original state with the addition of an outrageous color to take it back out of its original context.